Helpful Links

Internet browsers store a history of searches and visited sites. If you are worried about someone knowing that you visited this website, use a friend's computer or library computer, and make sure you have a safety plan. If you want to try removing the traces yourself, the links below provide the necessary instructions. Remember that by clearing your browser history, everything in the browser window will be cleared. If your partner knows how to use a computer well, this may make them suspicious.    

For information about internet safety, click here or here.

Family/Domestic Violence Services and Resources:

Survivors of Gender-based Violence Housing Benefit - Government of Nova Scotia  

Canada's Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence

Family Violence Prevention Program (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)
Justice Canada’s Family Violence Initiative
Legal Information Society of NS - family law information in multiple languages, including a brochure about domestic violence for newcomers

Nova Scotia’s Domestic Violence Action Plan

Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre

Native Women's Association of Canada - violence prevention and safety

Stop Family Violence - Public Health Agency of Canada

Directories (Publications of National Clearing House on Family Violence):

Directory of Services and Programs for Abused Men in Canada

Canada’s Treatment Programs for Men who Abuse their Partners

Transition Houses and Shelters for Abused Women in Canada

Directory of Services for Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse


Autumn House (Wheelchair accessible)
(902) 667-1344 or (902) 667-1200 (Crisis line)


Harbour House (Wheelchair accessible)
(902) 543-3665(902) 543-3999 (Crisis line),
Outreach (902) 543-9970, toll-free 1-800-543-3999


Juniper Outreach
(902) 245-4789 or toll-free at 1-800-266-4087


Bryony House (Wheelchair accessible,
bilingual staff as required)

(902) 429-9002(902) 422-7650 (Crisis line)
Outreach (902) 429-9001


Chrysalis House
(902) 679-6544(902) 679-1922 (Crisis line),
Outreach (902) 679-1155, Toll-free 1-800-264-8682

New Glasgow:

Tearmann Society (Wheelchair accessible)
Crisis line (902) 752-0132

Office (902) 752-1633
Outreach (902) 752-2591, Toll-free 1- 888-831-0330

Port Hawkesbury: 

Leeside Transition House (Wheelchair accessible)
Crisis line (902) 625-2444
 (902) 625-1990,
Outreach (902) 625-1106, Toll-free 1-800-565-3390


Cape Breton Transition House
Outreach Program (902) 562-3045, Toll-free 1-800-563-2945


Third Place (Wheelchair accessible)
Crisis line (902) 893-3232, Office (902) 893-4844

Outreach (902) 895-9740, Toll-free 1-800-565-4878


Juniper House
Crisis line (902) 742-8689, Office (902) 742-4473

Outreach (902) 742-0231, Toll-free 1-800-266-4087

Second Stage Housing:

Second stage housing offers safe and affordable housing for abused women and their children. You can also contact through your local transition house.

New Glasgow:

Pictou County Second Stage Housing
(902) 928-0970


Welkaqanik Next Step Shelter (Priority to Aboriginal women)
(902) 895-1738

Shelters for Men and Women (Halifax):

Shelter Nova Scotia
(902) 406-3631

Adsum House

(For homeless women and children)
(902) 429-4443 or (902) 423-4443

Barry House 

(Emergency shelter for homeless women and children at risk)
(902) 422-8324

Out of the Cold 

(Emergency winter shelter for men and women)
(End of November – May 1st)

(902) 225-0770

Phoenix Youth Services 

(Ages 16 – 24)
(902) 446-4663 or toll-free 1 888 878-5088

Amherst/Cumberland County:

New Directions
(902) 667-1344

Bridgewater/Lunenburg and Queens Counties (Western Nova Scotia):

Family Service Western Nova Scotia
(902) 543-7444


New Start Counselling
(902) 423-4675

Sydney/Cape Breton Island:

Second Chance
(902) 567-0979 or toll-free 1-855-567-0979 


(Port Hawkesbury)

Truro/Colchester and East Hants Counties:

(902) 897-6665

Westville/New Glasgow, Pictou, Antigonish, Guysborough Counties:

New Leaf
(902) 396-2440

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